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Changiz Khan - Genghis Khan (Life of Tamujin) 1.4
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Life of Tamujin - Genghis Khan - Rise Of Mongol Empire (OttomanEmpire) Genghis Khan ] Mongolian. 1162 – August 18, 1227, bornTemüjin, was the founder and Great Khan (Emperor) of the MongolEmpire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history afterhis death. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribesof Northeast Asia. After founding the Empire and being proclaimed"Genghis Khan", he started the Mongol invasions that conquered mostof Eurasia. Campaigns initiated in his lifetime include thoseagainst the Qara Khitai, Caucasus, and Khwarazmian, Western Xia andJin dynasties. These campaigns were often accompanied by wholesalemassacres of the civilian populations – especially in theKhwarazmian and Western Xia controlled lands. By the end of hislife, the Mongol Empire occupied a substantial portion of CentralAsia and China. Before Genghis Khan died, he assigned Ögedei Khanas his successor and split his empire into khanates among his sonsand grandsons. He died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. Hewas buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Mongolia. Hisdescendants extended the Mongol Empire across most of Eurasia byconquering or creating vassal states in all of modern-day China,Korea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and substantial portions ofmodern Eastern Europe, Russia, and Southwest Asia. Many of theseinvasions repeated the earlier large-scale slaughters of localpopulations. As a result, Genghis Khan and his empire have afearsome reputation in local histories. Beyond his militaryaccomplishments, Genghis Khan also advanced the Mongol Empire inother ways. He decreed the adoption of the Uyghur script as theMongol Empire's writing system. He also practiced meritocracy andencouraged religious tolerance in the Mongol Empire while unifyingthe nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. Present-day Mongolians regardhim as the founding father of Mongolia. Although known for thebrutality of his campaigns and considered by many to have been agenocidal ruler, Genghis Khan is also credited with bringing theSilk Road under one cohesive political environment. This broughtcommunication and trade from Northeast Asia into Muslim SouthwestAsia and Christian Europe, thus expanding the horizons of all threecultural areas. Main article: Mongol military tactics andorganization Reenactment of Mongol battle Genghis Khan put absolutetrust in his generals, such as Muqali, Jebe and Subutai, andregarded them as close advisors, often extending them the sameprivileges and trust normally reserved for close family members. Heallowed them to make decisions on their own when they embarked oncampaigns far from the Mongol Empire capital Karakorum. Muqali, atrusted lieutenant, was given command of the Mongol forces againstthe Jin dynasty while Genghis Khan was fighting in Central Asia,and Subutai and Jebe were allowed to pursue the Great Raid into theCaucasus and Kievan Rus', an idea they had presented to the Khaganon their own initiative. While granting his generals a great dealof autonomy in making command decisions, Genghis Khan also expectedunwavering loyalty from them. The Mongol military was alsosuccessful in siege warfare, cutting off resources for cities andtowns by diverting certain rivers, taking enemy prisoners anddriving them in front of the army, and adopting new ideas,techniques and tools from the people they conquered, particularlyin employing Muslim and Chinese siege engines and engineers to aidthe Mongol cavalry in capturing cities. groups away from the largergroup and defended position for ambush and counterattack. Anotherimportant aspect of the military organization of Genghis Khan wasthe communications and supply route or Yam, adapted from previousChinese models. Genghis Khan dedicated special attention to this inorder to speed up the gathering of military intelligence andofficial communications. To this end, Yam waystations wereestablished all over the empire.
سیرت رسول اکرمﷺ (Uswa-E-Rasool-E-Akram (S.A.W 1.1
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Uswa-E-Rasool-E-Akram (S.A.W) - Seerat E Rasool E Akram( S. A. W)InUswa e Rasool e Akram (SAWW) we will study in detail aboutthemeaning of ‘sirah’ as a word and as a term, the importanceofuswa-e-hasanah on human life in the light of the Qur’an andHadith,explain with examples how the ‘Sirat-e-Nabawi’ can be actedupon inthe present age, examples of physical and spiritual benefitsofpracticing the ‘Sirat-e-Nabawi’, how guidance can be soughtfromthe‘Sirat-e-Nabawi’ in solving the present-day economic, socialandother problems, explain with reference to the Qur’anic versethatHazrat Muhammad (SAWW) is a mercy to all worlds, narrate theeventsdepicting the Holy Prophet (SAWW)’s mercy for the createdbeings,discuss what role they can play as students for thedevelopment ofthe Ummah in the light of the excellent life of theHoly ProphetMuhammad (SAWW). None can deny that the life-history ofthe prophetMuhammad (peace be upon him) is an imperative need notonly forMuslims but for humanity at large. It is a necessity, notonlyreligious or Islamic, but also literary, Moral and cultural.Inshort, it is a necessity that meets our interest both in thisworldand the Hereafter. This valuable work on the life of theprophetMuhammad (peace be upon him) hardly stands in need ofanyintroduction. Allama Shibli and Sulaiman Nadwi have indeedearnedgreat fame for this work.
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Part 5 1.0.1
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Tareekh al-omam wal Muluk,URDU History-History OfTabri
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Part 3 1.8
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Tareekh al-omam wal Muluk, URDU History, تاریخطبری اردو
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Part 4 1.8
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Tareekh al-omam wal Muluk, URDU History, تاریخطبری اردو
Duaon ka khazana – [Masnoon Duaen] 1.5
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Masnoon Duaen Aur Azkaar, Arabic And Urdu TarjumaRabbanasupplication for Muslims with top dua and supplications.Font sizeis amazing and eye catching. Dua player provide youjustsupplications to play and masnoon rabbana duain for you.Rabbana isan Islami wazifa provide you many supplication &islami wazaiffor you. Best Qurani supplications with Doasupplication in textand audio file. Quran supplication and Quranicdua begin fromRannana “Our Lord”. Rabbana atina fi dunia in audiomp3 playerprovide you to amuse the voice of great Muslims scholars.Dua meanscall and Rabbana means Lord so rabbana dua mean in callwith Lord& ask him to bless on you. Dua or supplications startwithRabbana are called rabbana duain. Dua in voice of modernscholars.Great scholars asking Rabbana dua to Allah. Rabbana ayatandRabbana dua in mp3 player for special duas is a freeapplicationfor you. Rabbana Walakal hamdd dua app. True beneficialdua forMuslims in this pure guide Muslims app. Different Rabbanadua andayat from different surah of Quran Kareem.  App Features:>masnoon dua > masnoon duain > masnoon duain urdu >masnoonduain urdu audio > masnoon duain video offline > namaztime> namaz ka tarika > namaz e janaza > 6 kalma of islamwithurdu translation > 6 kalma of islam with audio free >ayatulkursi with urdu translation > Masjid m aney aur janey kiduain> Khana Khanay ki duain > Ghar sy bahir nikalnay ki dua>Sotay waqt ki dua > Karz se nijat ki dua > Subha shamparhnayki duain > Wuzu kay waqt parhnay ki dua > Free MasnoonDuainfor kids > Barish ki dua > Bimari ki dua and muchmoreDuain..... > Masnoon Duain with translation > MasnoonDuainUrdu > Masnoon Duaen > Masnoon Duain with urdutranslation> Qurani Duaen > Masnoon Duain Arabic > MasnoonDuain inUrdu > 2 lines Duain > Mukhtasar Masnoon Duain >Neend sebedar hone ki sunaten > Hafiza barhany ki dua >Nafarman oladki islah ki dua > Accident ( Hadisat) se bachny kidua > Wozoki dua > Bhok aur faqo se nijat ki dua > pathrik ilaj ki dua> Tarawih Dua > Sehar Dua >Iftar Dua>ramadan dua >surah al waqiah > dua ganjul arsh > duanoor > dua jameela> iftar ki dua > duain > dua tawassul> dua e ganjularsh > kalma tayyaba > 6 kalimas of islam> dua images> janaza dua > duaa > dua in arabic >dua for successin exam > duas > surah e fatiha > dua emaghfirat > duasafar > dua e ahad > masnoon duaen >shifa ki dua >surah al fajr > dua e qadah > dua wallpaper> dua qunut> dua e shifa > umrah dua > dua for marriage> duamaghfirat > azkar morning and evening > dua kumayl> duaafter namaz > islamic kalma > dua e saifi > dua ekumailwith urdu translation > dua lipa > hadis > islamicbooks> quran online > hisnul muslim Masnoon Prays Applicationishelpfull in your daily work routine as well as when you youhavesome specific problems, depressions you can read the dua andyouwill be blessed. This app have huge collection of masnoonduainwith urdu translation. Must download masnoon duain urdu andshareit with your friends. Jazak Allah.
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Part 2 1.9
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Tareekh al-omam wal Muluk, URDU History, تاریخطبری
Tib e Nabvi (S.A.W) sy Ilaj 1.8
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Tib E Nabvi (S.A.W) Complete Urdu Book , طب نبوی ﷺ سےعلاج
Tohfa e Nikah - Sex Education 1.8
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Marriage In Islam-Nikah Ki Shari Hasiat-Hambestari K Adab-IslamiShadi-Nikah
Adab e Mubashrat : Hambistari 1.0.1
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Ahmad Shah Abdali-Bani Afghani 1.8
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Bani Afghanistan-Ahmad Shah Abdali-Battle Panipat shown sitting ona brown horse
Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi Urdu 1.9
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Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi — The Great Warrior Of Islam-Ottoman Empire
Tareekh Ibn e Kaseer (Ibn Kath 1.1
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Tareekh Ibn e Kaseer Urdu | Tafseer Ibn e Kaseer In Urdu | IslamicHistory
Mehndi Design Latest 2023 Eid 1.5
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Pakistani Recipes in Urdu 2023 1.5
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All the favorite recipes for the food that Muslims in Urdu-RecipesEid Ul Adha
Sultan Barqia Roq - Seljuk Empire - Nizam e Alam 1.1
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Nizam e Alem (Awakening The Great Seljuk or The rise of SaljukasandSaljukon ka urooj. It is a new historical series by “AkliFilmCompany” on TRT 1 channel. This historical series Nizame Alamwillbe starring Buğra Gülsoy, Ekin Koç, Gürkan Uygun, LeylaLydiaTuğutlu and Sevda Erginc. Buğra Gülsoy is portraying theleadingrole of Seljuk Sultan Melikshah. It is considered, it wouldgive atough time to Ertugrul Ghazi and Kurulus Osman NizameAlem(Awakening The Great Seljuk or The rise of Saljukas andSaljukon kaurooj Malik-Shah was crowned as the new sultan of theempire,however, Malik-Shah did not access the throne peacefully,and hadto fight his uncle Qavurt, who claimed the throne.AlthoughMalik-Shah was the nominal head of the Seljuk state, Nizamal-Mulkheld near absolute power during his reign.Malik-Shah spentthe restof his reign waging war against the Karakhanids on theeasternside, and establishing order in the Caucasus. Malik-Shah'sdeath tothis day remains under dispute; according to some scholars,he waspoisoned by Abbasid caliph al-Muqtadi, while others say thathe waspoisoned by the supporters of Nizam al-Mulk. The Seljukempire wasfounded by Tughril Beg (990–1063) and his brother ChaghriBeg(989–1060) in 1037. From their homelands near the Aral Sea,theSeljuks advanced first into Khorasan and then into mainlandPersia,before eventually capturing Baghdad and conqueringeasternAnatolia. Here the Seljuks won the battle of Manzikert in1071 andconquered most of Anatolia from the Byzantine Empire, whichbecameone of the reasons for the First Crusade (1095–1099). Ruknal-DinAbu'l-Muzaffar Berkyaruq ibn Malikshah, better known asBerkyaruq,was the sultan of the Seljuk Empire from 1094 to 1105 Theson andsuccessor of Malik-Shah I (r. 1072–1092), he reigned duringtheopening stages of the decline and fragmentation of theempire,which would ultimately pave the way for Turkoman atabegatesandprincipalities stretching from Kirman to Anatolia and Syria.Hisreign was marked by internal strife, mainly against otherSeljukprinces. By his death in 1105, his authority had largelyvanished.His infant son Malik-Shah II briefly succeeded him, untilhe wasexecuted by Berkyaruq's half-brother and rival Muhammad ITapar (r.1105–1118). Born in 1079 or 1080,Berkyaruq was the oldestson ofMalik-Shah I (r. 1072–1092) and the latters cousin, theSeljukprincess Zubayda Khatun. Berkyaruq was only thirteen at thetime ofhis father's death in November 1092, meaning that there werenoprinces of age to inherit such as a vast empire. Hishalf-brotherMuhammad was eleven, while another half-brother namedMahmud wasfour. A brother of Malik-Shah named Tutush I, who ruledSyria onhis brothers behalf, claimed the throne as the only adult,butgained little support from the Turkic elite. Malik-Shah'sdeaththus marks the start of the decline and fragmentation oftheempire, with amirs and palace elites trying each to gain powerbysupporting one of his young sons as sultan.This wouldultimatelypave the way for Turkoman atabegates and principalitiesstretchingfrom Kirman to Anatolia and Syria. One of Malik-Shah'swives,Terken Khatun, in cooperation with the Seljuk vizier Tajal-Mulk,installed her four year old son Mahmud on the throne atBaghdad.She convinced the caliph to have the khutba read inMahmud's name,and sent an army under the amir Qiwam al-DawlaKirbuqa to takeIsfahan and capture Berkyaruq. Meanwhile, the familyand supportersof the deceased Seljuk vizier Nizam al-Mulk (known asthe"Nizamiyya"), led by Er-Ghush, supported Berkyaruq. TheyhadBerkyaruq smuggled out of Isfahan and sent to hisatabegGumushtigin in Saveh and Aveh, who had him crowned at Ray
Tariq Masood-Nikah Ki Ahmiyat 1.9
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Mufti Tariq Masood By Book Sex Education In Islam-TariqMasood-Marriage In Islam
Maulana Tariq Jameel 1.4
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Sultan Noor ud Din Mehmood Zangi - Saljuk Empire 1.3
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Sultan Noor ud Din Mehmood Zangi - Saljuk Empire
Aulad Ki Parvsh Qasim Ali Shah 1.7
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Saltanat e Usmania In Urdu 1.7
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Complete History of Ottoman Empire or Saltanat e Usmania or GaziErtugrul Urdu
Osman & Ertugrul Status HD 1.5
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Dirilis Ertugrul gazi Urdu Status, Kurulus Osman WallpapersHD,Ertugrul Quotes
Amar Bil Maroof wa Nahi Anil M 1.3
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Khair ud Din Barbarossa Urdu 1.3
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Hayreddin Barbarossa | Khair ud Din Barbarossa In Urdu | OttomanEmpire-Ertugrul
History of Afghanistan in Urdu
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Hazarat Umar Faruq Ky Fesle 1.5
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Life of Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A-Hazrat Umar K 100 Qissay-HazaratUmar Faruq R.A
Sultan Jalaluddin Khwarazm Shaw-Genghis - Ottomann
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Amir Taimur _ Ameer Taimur 1.0.2
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History of Ameer Taimoor in Urdu,The Turco-Mongol conqurererTimur(1336 – 1405)
Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih History Urdu (Ertugrul) 1.7
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This book of Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih blood of Gazi ErtugrulDirlisEither I will conquer Istanbul or Istanbul will conquer me..SultanMehmet Han, Mehmed II (Ottoman Turkish: محمد ثانى‎, Meḥmed-is̠ānī;Turkish: II. Mehmet Turkish pronunciation: [ˈmeh.met]; alsoknownas el-Fātiḥ, الفاتح, blood of Ertugrul Gazi"the Conqueror"inOttoman Turkish; in modern Turkish, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han;alsocalled Mahomet II blood of Ertugrul Gazi in early modernEurope),also known as Muhammed bin Murad blood of Ertugrul Gazi,Mehmed theConqueror, Grand Turk, Kayser-i Rûm (Caesar of Rome) andTurcarumImperator, and Fatih Sultan Mehmed (30 March 1432 – 3 May1481),was an Ottoman sultan blood of Ertugrul Gazi who ruled firstfor ashort time from August 1444 to September 1446, and laterfromFebruary 1451 to May 1481. At the age of 21, heconqueredConstantinople (modern-day Istanbul) and brought an end totheByzantine Empire. Mehmed continued his conquests in Anatoliawithits reunification, and in Southeast Europe as far west asBosnia.Being a highly regarded conqueror, Mehmed is considered ahero inmodern-day Turkey and parts of the wider Muslim world. Amongotherthings, Istanbul's Fatih district, Fatih Sultan Mehmet BridgeandFatih Mosque are named after him Ertugrul Dirlis ghazi The citywasmerly a shadow of its former glory due to the empire'severreceding coffers, while the Ottoman Empire continued to growrich.after years of tolerating the existence of byzantium, theambitionsSultan, Mehmet II Ertugrul Dirlis ghazi launched hiscampaing toend the Byzantine Empire and take Constantinople for theOttomans,resulting in the greatest siege of that age ErtugrulDirlis ghazi.
History Of Firon : Musa (A.S) 1.4
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NTS - General Knowledge Test
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Balon k girny k ilaj-Hair loss
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Hair Treatment - balon k girny ka ilaj, Baal Ghany / بالوں کے گرنےکا علاج
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu, History 1.0.1
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Tareekh al-omam wal Muluk, URDU History ,اردوتاریخ طبری
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Part 7 1.6
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Urdu History Of Tabri
Tareekh e Tabri Urdu Part 6, ت
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Tarikh Al-Tabari Tareekh al-omam wal Muluk,URDU History-HistoryOfTabri
Saltanat Usmania:Ottomn Empire 1.0.3
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The history of Saltanat e Usmania or Ottoman Empire or GaziErtugrul Dirlis Urdu
Dajjali Fitna (Taqi Usmani) 1.6
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